
Friday, March 20, 2015

Light And The Absence Thereof

In the heavens, the Sun is the only source of life sustaining light as far as we are concerned.  The Moon and the planets receive their light from the Sun and are not able in and of themselves to produce light; only reflect the true source.  

The light reflected by the Moon can illuminate a pathway sufficient enough to give direction, but who would want to live solely by it?  

All light illuminates.  It originates from Christ.  

God associates His power with His word.  This typology is given to John in John's documented revelation of Jesus Christ, as a sword that issues forth from Christ's mouth (Revelation 1:16; 19:15.)  Additionally we find this type in the men who are given His power in their word, to "kill the wicked with the breath from [their] lips." (see Isaiah 11:4)

God's Power is His word.  God's word is truth.  His truth is light. (see D&C 84:45)

God's Power is therefore also typified by the visual light we see.  God's power -the authorized version of it given to man- is expressed in the term, Priesthood.  

Therefore Priesthood is typified in light.  Through the Sun's light reflected by the Moon, the lesser priesthood is typified.  It points to the true light at night.  It stands as a nearly invisible, side witness during the day; fulfilling the calling given it for serving as a sign and processing through the seasons.  
Lesser priesthood is that of a fellowship among men or a 'hood' of priests. It serves only to allow men to point a mind to Christ by those to whom it will be 'received', (Jacob 4:5.) 
However, despite the lesser priesthood being a fellowship of men, they -like the Moon- wholly derive whatever light that they reflect from the true and only source of light in our darkness.  If the conditions by which the light is governed is not obeyed, then the light is cut off.  

In order to reflect light the Moon must face the Sun.  When through the process of only operating in the lesser/reflective light the Moon steps into the shadows and seeks to become a light unto itself, simultaneously with that action the light is taken away.  

Isn't this an interesting testimony that we have in the heavens?  On April 4th there will be a lunar eclipse.  Creating a display that cuts the light off to the Moon which is a type of the fellowship of men.  Instead of the usual illuminated semblance of a full moon deferring glory to the Sun from which it derives it's own light, that would be in effect otherwise;  there will be a symbolic display of blood which comes from a cutting.

The testimony of the heavens set there from the foundations of this world by God can not be changed, only disregarded (Jeremiah 31:35-36.)  It makes me want to be more aware of all of His works.  I wonder what other neat stuff is happening on the 4th of April?


Ian said...

I really liked this post! The blood moon being a symbol of men trying to be a light unto themselves by stepping out from facing the Lord who is the only source of light.

Maybe it is significant that this blood moon was on the day of general conference. Also, the other three were or will be within a few days of general conference each time as well.

Edwin Wilde said...

Thank you, Ian.
That is incredibly interesting to ponder.